Be Inspired - Emma McLaughlin | Association of Anaesthetists

Be Inspired - Emma McLaughlin


Be Inspired - Emma McLaughlin

Describe your role

Medical Officer Royal Air Force, ST7 Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee Co-opted Defence Representative.

How did you get there?

It’s been a long and meandering journey! I was sponsored at university by the Royal Air Force. From early in my career I was mesmerised by the Critical Care Air Support Team (CCAST) – the cohesiveness of the team, the challenges they face and what they could achieve while caring for patients in the back of an aeroplane or helicopter. I just had to be a part of that! After completing my initial officer training at RAF Cranwell, I moved to Edinburgh in 2010 to start my specialist training in anaesthesia and intensive care.





What is your greatest achievement?

Successfully juggling motherhood and my career as a Medical Officer in the RAF. Never easy but lots of fun and certainly never dull! I am proud to serve in the RAF and hope that I can be a positive role model for my two girls.

What inspires you?

I am inspired by the many women and men of the UK Armed Forces who risk their lives daily to protect our home. I have always felt their sacrifices are deserving of highly skilled and prepared medical staff to deliver care when they need it most.

What advice would you give (or resources you’d highlight) to those who wish to follow your path?

They say it takes a village to raise a child – but it is worth remembering the many voices in your life usually offer opinion and not fact. You always have a choice and your life is exactly that – yours. A mentor can prove invaluable and help you on your journey.

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